Check out Guitar George Introduction of the PC-program 'Guitar George' chord reference

WELCOME to Guitar George

the most complete chord reference for guitar

At last a clear reference work  of the most used guitar chords on CD-rom for beginners and advanced guitar players!

GG shows you step by step on basis of chord names, out of which tones chords are constructed and how they should be played.

novice guitarist will literally have his/her hands full just by practising the major and minor chords! 
For the advanced player it is a reference work that gives insight in chords that he or she maybe allready was playing, but now better will know how to put it in a logical connection!


This page consists of 4 blocks

- Block 1 major chords. (standard +10 additions)
- Block 2 minor chords. (standard + 5 additions)
- Block 3 augmented (+) chords
- Block 4 diminished (0) chords

The standard chords are ranged from foot (C) to top (B) in chromatic order.

[ C - C# - Db - D - D# - Eb - E - F - F# - Gb - G - G# - Ab - A - A# - Bb - B ]

The chords in the major and minor block are classified from left to right in numerical order of the most used added notes:

[ majeur: standard - 4 - b5 - 6 - 7 - maj7 - 7 9 - 7 b10 - 7 b10 b13 - 9 - b10 ]
mineur: standard - b5 - 6 - 7 - maj7 - 9 ]

*) The numbers refer to the added notes in the related scale of the presented chord.              


In general not all chords will be fully named like G.G. does for you now: 
- A 7-9 chord is just called 9, though there's a 7 in it too!
- 7 b10 is called b10,
- 7 b10 b13 is abbreviated to b13,
- last but not least the b5 chord is often played with a 7!

Strenght and lots of fun!

Guitar George

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Information on a chord

Grouping of information:  
Upper left: photo of the presented chord.

With the buttons underneath the photo you click to another chord of the same name; 
the buttons are ranged in:

a) Main groups (middle row):
   [Major] - [minor] - [augmented (+)] and [diminished (0)]

b) Subgroups (upper row)

to the major chord:

                        [4] - [b5] - [6] - [7] - [maj7] - [7 9] - [7 b10] - [7 b10 b13] - [9] - [b10]

to the minor chord:

                        [b5] - [6] - [7] - [maj7] - [9]

Other navigation options (lower row)

[<<] :   Return to survey page.
[Help] : With the help button you'll get this very page. (At where you are now)
[Sound] : Sound of the presented chord will be audible.
[Substitute] : Preference for a certain fingering can be seen in relation to, for example, a composition, music style or arrangement.  

Up right you find the chord symbol with fingering. The diagram is a represantation of the guitar neck.
The vertical lines represent the strings.

From left to right: E - A - D - G - B - E

The horizontal bars represent the positions. The Roman numbers on the left of the bars indicate 
the positions of the chord on the neck. The index finger (1) determinates the position.

Explanation of the symbols in the diagram:

- X: Don't play / Mute
- O: Open string; do play.  
- 1:

  Index finger

- 2: Middle finger
- 3: Ring finger
- 4:  Little finger  

The note names of each string are represented by white characters underneath the chord diagram.

                   Barre (Barred): Finger placed on the neck effecting two or more strings .

- At the right side below the chord diagram you kan find the notes of the represented chord.  

# 1 time raised by a semi tone
X : 2 times raised by a semi tone
b  1 time flattened by a semi tone
bb 2 times flattened by a semi tone
8va : Played 1 octave higher than represented.   

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